Laying under the rays of the suns for hours, was one way people got a tan. Others spend a lot of money at salons in order to use their machines, to achieve a tan look. Another option available is to use tanning lotions in the comfort of your home. In order to this, you want to first do these steps, in order to achieve great results.
It is important to shave before you apply the tan products, instead of after applying it. After a person shaves, it tends to leave the skin looking and feeling smooth. This smoothness will make it easier for the tan products to be applied onto the skin. Make sure to do this several hours before applying the tan lotion.
In order to avoid streaks or a bad coverage in tan, you should exfoliate the skin. This will help remove any dead skin cells, which can make the tan have streaks or appear uneven. If you already exfoliate the skin and moisturize, then just continue as you do. If this is not something you do on a regular basis, then make sure you start a few days before you start applying this tan solution.
You will also need petroleum jelly before beginning the application. The petroleum jelly should be applied to the cuticles, finger and toenails. This will prevent you from getting any of these stain with the tan lotion. It can be difficult to remove and could ruin a manicure and pedicure.
If after a tan you notice that some areas are darker, especially around the ankles, elbows, and feet, it is due to having drier skin in these areas. In order to avoid having this problem, you must not only exfoliate, but also dilute the solution in those areas. You can dilute the solution by mixing it in with some moisturizer before applying.
These are just some things you can try in order to prepare for a tan. You must find the best product for you, as there are many tanning lotions which you can use. What works for one person may not work for another, therefore keep experimenting, until you find the best one for you.
It is important to shave before you apply the tan products, instead of after applying it. After a person shaves, it tends to leave the skin looking and feeling smooth. This smoothness will make it easier for the tan products to be applied onto the skin. Make sure to do this several hours before applying the tan lotion.
In order to avoid streaks or a bad coverage in tan, you should exfoliate the skin. This will help remove any dead skin cells, which can make the tan have streaks or appear uneven. If you already exfoliate the skin and moisturize, then just continue as you do. If this is not something you do on a regular basis, then make sure you start a few days before you start applying this tan solution.
You will also need petroleum jelly before beginning the application. The petroleum jelly should be applied to the cuticles, finger and toenails. This will prevent you from getting any of these stain with the tan lotion. It can be difficult to remove and could ruin a manicure and pedicure.
If after a tan you notice that some areas are darker, especially around the ankles, elbows, and feet, it is due to having drier skin in these areas. In order to avoid having this problem, you must not only exfoliate, but also dilute the solution in those areas. You can dilute the solution by mixing it in with some moisturizer before applying.
These are just some things you can try in order to prepare for a tan. You must find the best product for you, as there are many tanning lotions which you can use. What works for one person may not work for another, therefore keep experimenting, until you find the best one for you.
About the Author:
Sun Laboratories provides high quality self tanning lotions. To read more about our 1 sunless tanning product line, click this link now.
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