الأربعاء، 3 أكتوبر 2018

Things To Consider When Purchasing Seafood In Las Vegas

By Mark Ellis

Eating healthy is good for everyone. When planning to prepare dinner for your family, including fish on the menu is a great idea. If it is a night out, you might want to pick a hotel that serves wild fish. Not all fish you come across in the market or in a restaurant is safe for eating. Some of the seafood you find is counterfeit. To protect you from getting the wrong fish, below are the factors to consider when buying seafood in Las Vegas.

The first consideration is the status of the seller. The only way you can be guaranteed that you are getting quality fish is if the store or hotel has made a good name from selling quality fish. Do your research or ask for referrals from people who know the reputable dealers. The website of the store or hotel can give you the information you require to determine if they have a good status or not. Be aware of those with negative reviews.

The next thing to do to ensure you enjoy top quality fish is buying straight from the harvester. Majority of fish processors get their products direct from the boat. Consumers of seafood can, therefore, enjoy their fish confidently knowing they are eating something that is right off the ship or boat. Buying directly from the harvester is an advantage too because the price is lower than when buying from a dealer.

Another issue is that of cleanliness. Hotels or diners that sell readymade fish need to observe high standards of cleanliness. Fish needs proper handling and preparation for it to be safe for consumption. Check the lavatories and the restaurant where you want to buy the food to find out if what they sell is safe to consume. Stay away from unhygienic places since they will make you have health complications.

Another factor is the type of fish. Shellfish and crustaceans are known to contain allergenic properties that cause allergies to some people. Be aware of this before selecting these types of fish especially if you are allergic to some foods. Even after proper cooking and handling, these properties still exist hence these fish should be avoided by allergic consumers completely.

Additionally, do your research and get information on various fish and their sources. Cases of sea water contamination are very common today. Marine conservation society website can help you get information on issues that are facing oceans and the effects they have on fish. Ask the dealer where the fish he or she is selling comes from and in case it is from any of the contaminated areas, avoid it.

A permit is also a factor worth considering. Not every dealer out there is genuine or legitimate which is why the market is flooded with counterfeit seafood. To differentiate these dealers, request for a valid permit that proves the person is approved to sell fish.

Finally, follow your nose. The last thing every consumer wants is buying spoilt fish. Check the display and make sure the fish is held at a reasonable temperature to prevent decomposition. In case you come across fish that has a bad odor, look for another store since the quality is compromised.

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