الاثنين، 6 أغسطس 2018

Protection Of Liquid From Freezing

By Nancy Thomas

Tar is a very important ingredient used in road construction. This ensures that the stones and concrete stick together on the road. Typically like a glue used for making roads. This material solidifies in normal temperature so it is important to keep it liquid state. Earlier we used to constantly keep the tar drums on the fire. Drum heaters provide perfect solution against liquid freezing.

In high range areas it is very difficult keep the water hot without electricity. The solar heaters provided perfect solution for this problem. They have a large drum to store water and a thermal collector to provide constant insulation even in the night when there no sunlight. Nowadays it is most commonly used in forests and mountain areas in the resident.

During winters we use the water storage heaters to the maximum. The thermostat keeps the water hot by regulating the temperature. The liquid flows through the inlet and the outlet. In freezing cold we cannot even imagine to take bath in normal water. There is a high risk of storage tank busting if the heating regulator is not working properly.

Instant water heater is tank less. They do not store any water. There is a risk of bursting in the conventional storage heaters if the temperature regulator is not working properly. Also it occupies very large space. On the contrary this device takes very less space. Using the inlet and outlet provides hot water in the same fashion like the former one however there is no risk of bursting as it does not store water.

Over the period of time man learnt the purpose of storing water at a certain height. This used to create high pressure and the flowing water can be used in taps and shower. Nowadays we can see there is a water storage tank at the rooftop of every house.

Fresh water is the most important thing for mans survival. We obtain this only from rivers and lakes which are getting polluted due to factories dumping chemical and other waste. Also an average human consumes more than what is required. Even though the entire planet is filled with oceans and sea humans cannot survive with salt water.

Heat from the fire or sunlight is very important for the survival of humans. The fire has allowed man to live in cold climate also protected them from wild animals. This invention has also taught man to cook and eat processed food. Always the colder climate areas have lower population compared to the tropical places. During winters we do not get enough sunlight which is not good for health.

Every living being has a temperature. This is because the food that we eat is converted into energy. The body needs heat for performing physical and metabolic activities. There are also living organisms which are usually under sea or ocean has lower temperature. They are known as cold blooded animals. Mammals are under sea creatures which have higher temperature.

Humans have to understand that inventions are important, however whatever we create should not cause any damage to the atmosphere or the fresh water from lakes and river. We should resort to natural energy like wind or the sunlight. Preservation of the natural resources should be our topmost priority.

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