الخميس، 2 نوفمبر 2017

About Sun Laboratories Sunless Tanning Product Line

By Haywood Hunter

Doctors tell us that being out in direct sunlight can be hard on our skin. Research shows that ultraviolet rays in sunlight can accelerate aging and lead to skin cancer. However, people still want to have a tan for the summer months. Sun Labritories offers a complete line of sunless tanning products to make a safe tan possible.

Sun Labritories bases its reputation on offering safe and effective sunless tanning products. Customer reviews say that the tan achieved will have a natural, sun-kissed look without the orange tint that makes a tan look fake. The coloration of the skin lasts well, and the skin is moisturized with application of the Sun Labritories tanning solution.

Made with natural ingredients, Sun Labritories tanning products moisturize while they darken, and promise to be safe for all types of skin. Customer reviews include testimonials from those with sensitive or problem skin that have been pleased with the results of using products created by Sun Labritories. Many health food stores stock the Sun Labs line, which is a vote for purity and safety.

You have a wide choice in this line from Sun Labritories, with different strengths of darkening power and methods of application. For those who just want a bit of tan, a light application of medium is just right. If others want to look like they live outdoors, the dark tanners can be applied again and again until the exact depth of color is achieved.

Many users apply the product of choice and go to bed after it dries on their skin. The color might come off on sheets, but it does not stain. Hands should be quickly washed after each application. Upon awakening, users report being pleased with their natural-looking, golden tan. Sun Labritories products are safe to use on facial skin and all over the body.

You can buy a four ounce size of a Sun Labritories product of choice to make sure you like the results you will see. Since further applications will be needed to maintain a tan all summer, the company offers larger sizes. You can get a 32-ounce size or even buy a gallon to make being tan affordable. The cosmetic line includes a tan-extending lotion to make each application last as long as possible.

There are many ways to apply the tanning solution that will give you the color you want. Sun Labritories offers free samples so you can decide which application is your favorite. A spray-on product means that your hands do not come into contact with the tanning solution, but many prefer the control of a manually-applied product. There is even an 'airbrush' option. Go to the official website to find out more information and decide which of the many options will work best for you.

Voted best self-tanner for 2012, Sun Labritories products will give you a long-lasting, natural-looking tan. Your skin will look and feel great after using one of these tested and reliable tanners. Since doctors recommend staying out of harmful ultraviolet rays from direct sunlight, using sunless tanning preparations is a wise alternative to sunbathing for the hours necessary to darken pale skin.

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