الثلاثاء، 19 سبتمبر 2017

How To Effectively Improve And Hone Your Social Skills

By Michelle Cook

Since you were young, social interaction is one of the most highlighted activities that you have. You were probably scheduled to have play dates with other children and were enrolled by your parents into a preschool program. As you grow older, you learn to communicate with others and form relationships from the experiences you have growing up. As such, socializing is important because it enables you to have a healthy and well balanced lifestyle.

Having sufficient communication skills become even more important as you grow older, enroll in college, and subsequently create your trail in the real world. Having these skills is essential in leading a healthy lifestyle and creating relationships with others along the way. Without it, a person may become isolated and ignorant of different situations that will severely affect their mental stability. Listed below is how to effectively improve and hone your Social Skills Washington DC.

One of the first things to take into consideration is the volume of which you speak and your tone when engaging in conversation. Speaking too softly will prevent others from hearing you, while too loudly is considered too boisterous. This depends on the current situation you are in but always remember to speak in a volume that can be heard easily and shows some semblance of confidence.

Start by practicing on initiating the conversation first, rather than waiting for someone else to speak to you. Begin the interaction with a smile or a simple greeting and then opening a neutral topic. You may state your observations regarding the weather, or compliment them on an article of clothing they are wearing. Be polite and listen attentively when they speak, to allow you to pick up on their gestures and responses.

Once the conversation has started to flow, maintain this natural flow by exploring other topics of interest. Ask them about their day or about a common friend that you have, as long as it is not something too personal or awkward to ask. Do not make inquiries that are answerable by a yes or no, rather something that requires explanation or aids in furthering a topic.

When conversing with others, remain sensitive about the topics you bring up. For instance, it would be rude to address their sexuality or their appearance when portraying it in a negative manner. When expressing opinions, see to it that you remain neutral and avoid talking in a tone that suggests aggressiveness, because the person may feel like you are attacking them personally.

Body language is important and takes up a large percentage of social interaction. Talking while keeping your arms crossed against your chest is a sign a person is uncomfortable, whereas maintaining good eye contact relays their openness. By observing these aspects carefully, you can identify which ones fall under positive and negative.

Once there is a need to end the interaction, do this in a polite manner and also in the appropriate time. Doing it prematurely might give them the impression that you did not enjoy their company. To exit in a good note, mention an errand you are about to do or let them know you would like to speak with them again soon.

At home, you can conduct some exercises that will allow you to improve on your skills. Try practicing some gestures or sentences in front of a mirror, to allow you to see how you look like when doing something. Furthermore, try to engage in a conversation with your family and see how they respond to you. This is more private and also allows you to get some valuable feedback from them.

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