الثلاثاء، 18 يوليو 2017

Facts About The Head Start Family Assessment Tool

By Pamela Howard

These days having children is complicated and trying in ways that our parents never experienced. Not only are we charged with the ever-more-complex task of keeping children safe from exposure to dangers Online, but now there are powers who seek to infiltrate our private lives. The Head Start Family Assessment Tool is just such a power.

Do not be fooled by the notion that such assessments do not expose your family to the threat of government oversight. The first thing these school officials are going to ask will involve the economic status of both parents, as well as the level of education completed. If parents lack formal education, they just might begin to apply pressure to take on debt for schooling that they may not be in any position to pursue.

They classify such bullying as goal-setting, and it truly is a dirty trick to play on someone who might not be in any position to pursue a college degree. It allows the school to keep tabs on the entire family. It can even create an opportunity for the school to harass or punish parents who do not seem to take the goals seriously, or for whatever reasons fail to achieve the goals they set in their initial meetings.

There is a myriad of medical information that is collected, and not only about the child. They want to know what the medical history and current medical status of parents, and sometimes even grandparents. They will want to know who the family physicians are, and whether or not there were any complications during the birth process.

Home visits are always part of these assessments as well. You had better believe that these school administrators are going to be making judgments about the parents based on the style of housing, as well as other aspects of the environment. Calls to CPS are not uncommon after home visits.

Once you have submitted your enrollment package, the parents will have ninety days to complete all the requirements necessary. They will probably create the impression that this program is mandatory, but it is not. However, parents who have children in daycare often have no other child care options once their young one has turned four and is deemed old enough for the program.

Parents who stay home with their child may be able to get around all of these intrusions by simply keeping their kids home until kindergarten. This is an ideal option, as a child should stay with their parent as long as possible. Be aware, however, of neighbors who might be likely to get into the affairs of others, and report a parent for not having their child in school at what they deem to be the proper age.

These programs are always touted as being a positive thing, but in reality they can be very dangerous to poor families or single parents. No one wants the State as a conductor in their lives, and such assessments allow for exactly that. Young people must be warned about such aspects of raising young ones before they make the decision to become parents.

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