السبت، 20 مايو 2017

Why Professional Development For Teachers Is So Important

By Donald Myers

There can be no doubt that the educational system has changed. Teaching is no longer seen as a calling but rather as just another job. Educators have a difficult time. They have to work under tremendous pressure and they are expected to perform well despite all the institutional factors that make such accomplishments almost impossible. Sadly, professional development for teachers does not seem to be a high priority.

So many people think that the only responsibility that educators have is to teach. This is most certainly not the case. They have a heavy administrative load, they have to spend time, often their own time, to prepare their lessons, they have to coach sporting teams and be involved in many other extra curricular activities. They have to identify students with special needs and make appropriate arrangements. The list is endless.

Sadly, it is not just the educators that are under pressure. The whole system is under tremendous stress. There are not enough resources, not enough educators, not enough facilities, books, teaching aids and equipment. Educators have to deal with political pressure, manage to do their jobs without the ability to instil discipline and absolutely no time left for any for of personal growth.

Thankfully, there are some initiatives that aim to address this problem. One of them is the highly acclaimed system of instructional rounds. This system entails small groups of educators attending the classes of extremely highly regarded colleagues. The aim of these visits is to learn from that colleague and to garner new ideas that will improve the effectiveness of the observer in his own classroom.

Studies focusing on acclaimed and successful educators show that they take personal responsibility for their own professional growth. They tend to use technology to improve their techniques and to interact with their students. They belong to online professional forums where ideas and problems are shared. They truly believe in the value of quality education and they are willing to sacrifice in order to provide that quality education.

When studying highly regarded schools, one factor stands out and that is the fact that the technology of the internet has been harnessed to help improve the quality of education. At those schools, teachers and students alike have full access. Educators can use the internet to conduct research, to gain new ideas, to learn new teaching techniques and to communicate with others in the profession.

The modern world is highly competitive. Doing your best is not good enough. Only those that excel can be sure of success. A mediocre education is not a good start in life and mediocre educators cannot hope to prepare their students for the pressures of real life. The only solution is to make sure that educators are allowed every possible opportunity to develop professionally.

An under achieving youth cannot guarantee a great future. Every nation owes its success to the quality of its educational systems. If educators are given the opportunity to grow professionally, everyone benefits.

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