الاثنين، 7 نوفمبر 2016

Electric Motor Rewinding Can Be A Interesting DIY Project

By Philip Collins

Among all the wonderful technological advances that makes life easier it is easy to forget about electrical motors. Yet they are used everywhere. They make washing machines, tumble dryers and vacuum cleaners possible. They keep refrigerators cold and without them cars would not work. They vary in size and function but most households will have at least a dozen of these devices. When they malfunction, repairs can be expensive, but DIY specialists in Phoenix may enjoy electric motor rewinding as a project.

It is important to note that his type of project requires a high level of concentration and meticulous attention to detail. The device will not work if even small mistakes are made or if the rewind job was done poorly. If there are the slightest doubt it may be better to have the task performed by professionals. There is such a large variety of devices on the market that care should be taken when following on line instructions.

Those that are not daunted should proceed to remove the housing. This will show the stator, the windings and the armature. Once the housing is removed, taking a series of detailed photographs or video is strongly recommended. When it comes to recreating the windings, patterns and connections this will be of great help. A rewind must be done according to the original patterns or it will not work.

Next, the wire must be taken from the brushing pads. The tabs should be disturbed as little as possible in order to completely remove the wire. Once this is done the coils in the wind can be cut free. It is vital to record the number of winds in every coil and to write it down because they will have to be rebuilt to that exact configuration.

The insulation lining the stator should be inspected very carefully. Damaged insulation should be replaced with insulation tape or an the same material that was previously used. Hereafter the armature or stator can be rewound. It is vital to recreate the exact same winding patterns and the exact same number of coils as the original. Also, the same type of magnet wire and of the same gauge should be used.

The end length of the first winding should be left free and it should be long enough to reach the tab. The same is true for the last winding. Whilst winding the wire can be held in place by crimping it. The wires should make clear and definite contact with the tabs and if this is not the case some of the insulation can be removed.

Next, the end of the last winding and the loose wire from the first winding can be connected. After making sure that no wire connected to the tabs are touching. Thereafter it is simply a matter of assembling the housing again and to test the device. If it is not performing as expected it is best to ask a professional to examine the work done.

During all DIY projects, and especially ones involving electricity, safety precautions should be maintained at all times. Each year numerous people are injured or maimed simply because they did not follow basic safety rules. Children should be prohibited from handling potentially dangerous tools.

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