الخميس، 13 أكتوبر 2016

6 Arizona Land Surveying Myths And Misconceptions Debunked

By Anna Schmidt

Land surveying is not an easy job and this being the case, there are a few misconception about it and the reason that it is required. If you are pondering whether to have a survey carried out your soil property or one that you are planning to purchase, the chances are that you have fallen prey of these myths and they could be steering you wrong. Here are some six common Arizona land surveying myths that you need to know about.

Getting a surveyor that is an expert can be a little bit tricky. When you get involved with particular surveyors, sometimes they might refer you to someone they know with less information on what you need. For instance, they might mislead you in showing your property boundary only to realize later that they are not genuine. However, this can change when you hire a professional one that understands the need of being accurate with your property and its line. Without the right person, you might end up losing your portion of the property due to this misinformation.

You will also hear that a neighbor cannot encroach on your property line. When you involve a surveyor, you will find that these cases are so many. You could even be the one who has trespassed. If you are not sure about anything, you need the services of a professional.

There are people who feel that they are so sure about the property that they have that they can build a fence on the property without undergoing the inspection. This is not the case, the right and the only way that you can protect your property is if you hire a surveyor. This is to avoid building on the wrong property and having to tear down the entire work because you made a mistake.

The fence shows the exact location of the property line. This is mostly seen by homeowners that assume that they have the right just because it has been in existence for many years. The truth here is that you may have been in living with the wrong line since most old records are not correct as the new ones. The old lines are just as an estimation of what is expected with your property lines. For the accurate lines, ensure you have the best property surveyor.

Being told that all the soil property has been surveyed and you only have to look for the survey is a misconception. You may come across old maps that were used for taxation, but the soil property, may never have been surveyed. You are not even sure about the accuracy of that map and you need to engage a professional to help establish the truth.

There are people who believe that ones they are done with the survey, they do not need to repeat it. This is not true, the property surveying is not a science, and it is possible for two surveys to have different results. At the same time, the survey is based on the facts that is found and the 2 surveyors operating at different points at that time might come with different evidence.

The new property expert will benefit much from the previous work done by past surveyors. When past records are obtained, it is easy for the new person to determine the exact location of the line. This is also important since they will confirm if the lines are accurate before you start using the property.

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